Today, god offered me a gift, and I reflexively declined for it was much simpler to devise a way to refuse. Wrapped in the guise of humility my words slipped off the tip of my tongue to shield me from shame. Hidden between the space of each spoken work was a raw truth.
The universe persisted, and I felt it call to me, but when I looked up I was alone. I felt a curious pull on the strings of my imagination, and sparks of life reached my fingertips, but when I called out to the darkness no one answered. With each lonely moment came shadows of doubt.
This is stupid.
This is going nowhere.
This is a waste of time.
I am not good enough.
My breath quickened, my heart hardened, and my dreams started to fade.
I persisted and took one brave step into an uncertain world seeking the truth that was controlling me. God was alongside me with each passing step, but I could not speak to it. The creator’s presence was tangible, but I could not grasp it. My gift was before me, but I could not decide if I was ready to accept it.
So I listened to the world around me, and sought out the beauty in the moment, until there was only one choice before me.
Tomorrow, the creator will offer me a gift. Such is my obligation.